Answering Isolation and Loneliness, John 14- March 29, 2020

Pastor Jim Silvey • March 30, 2020

The Challenges We Face
The Challenges We Face
Answering Isolation and Loneliness, John 14- March 29, 2020


John 14

Jesus left to prepare _____________________14:1-3

Our feelings will want to be troubled and disturbed at times. It takes ________________not to be distressed.

Our separation from Christ is _______________

Jesus gave us a ___________________–the Holy Spirit.

Jesus in the Holy Spirit gives us ___________

Jesus overcomes the world and its ____________16:33

Peace is a sense of_________________

Tribulation means af__________________________

What is afflicting you today? ____________________

Be being of good _____________________

Why? Jesus Himself has overcome ________________

I Cor. 15:57—Christ gives us the victory ___________ ________________

We can now worship _____________Jn. 4:20-24

It was all about the ________But now with the Holy Spirit, the temple of God is _____________________________